Improving Your Interview Skills For 2021

Improving Your Interview Skills For 2021

If you are keen to make 2021 the year you make bold strides forward in your career, this is the ideal time to give yourself the best chance of success.

There are many elements you need to be successful when looking for a new job, but the interview process is one of the most crucial.

If you struggle at interviews, don’t worry, you are not alone. A lot of people have a great CV and considerable experience, but find themselves unable to talk about themselves confidently, or to put themselves across in the right manner at an interview.

This is a major drawback, but it doesn’t have to be a fatal problem.

At Global Solution Services, we are pleased to say we have helped many candidates develop interview skills, and become more confident in themselves. If you are looking to improve your interview skills for 2021, we are here to assist you.

Know what employers look for in the interview process

One of the most important things you can do when preparing for an interview is understand what employers look for in a successful candidate.

When you know what people value in the interview process, you can present yourself in the best manner. Knowing how best to articulate your ideas and communicate confidently will go a long way to helping you find the ideal job next year.

Are you interview ready for modern times?

It is fair to say these are different times, and the interview process is different for many people. Even if you have undertaken many interviews in the past, are you comfortable with telephone interviews, video call interviews and more tests carried out online?

There is a new dimension associated with interviews in the present day, and it is understandable that many people are not confident about how to approach these tasks.

At Global Solution Services, we help you prepare for a wide range of interviews, and no matter what challenges lie in store for you, we are here to ensure you give yourself the best chance of success.

Know what you do best

You will be asked to share your strong points, but we know many people struggle to do so. With our help, you will present yourself in a robust and confident manner.

The Course will cover:

  • Understanding what Employers are looking for in a successful Candidate
  • Understanding the importance of communication at Interview
  • Successfully demonstrating your interest and suitability for the role, to
  • differentiate yourself as the best candidate
  • Preparing for informal Pre-Screens, Telephone Interviews, and Group
  • Assessments
  • Being able to answer common Interview questions
  • Being able to give examples of your skills and experience to answer Competency
  • based questions
  • Practicing your Interview Skills


If you would like to learn more about how you can develop your interview skills for 2021, we can help. At Global Solution Services, we offer a range of remote training courses, aimed at ensuring you move forward during these challenging times. You can find out more about our training support by visiting our site, or by contacting us online

Statement from GSS Directors on Covid-19

Statement from GSS Directors – Centre closures from 30th March 2020

Following the recent announcements made by UK Government, we would like to keep you updated on the changes GSS has made and the measures we have put in place to protect the well-being and safety of all our learners, customers and staff.

As of 30th March 2020 all GSS delivery sites will be closed. However, we are still fully operational and will be running Careers Advice and Guidance alongside Training via skype calls, video conferencing and on-line services to ensure all our customers, learners and trainees can still access our service.

These are indeed exceptional circumstances and we are working tirelessly behind the scenes to respond to the latest policy changes in some of our working procedures, and continue to prepare online material and resources to ensure minimum disruption to our service

We will continue to deliver Online Training and support going forward.

For further support please contact us on: 0844 745 2001 or 0208 665 4296

We are here to support you

We understand these are very difficult and anxious times for everyone, and urge you to stay home and keep safe, and to relieve the burden on the emergency services.

We will support as much as we can – if you have any concerns please email us on

We look forward to welcoming you all back to face to face meetings and training as soon as we can. In the meantime, stay home, stay safe and we will see you through our on-line channels.

For further advice and guidance on Covid-19 visit:
