Greenwich Opportunities

Greenwich Training Opportunities

GSS UK Ltd are a customer driven Careers Guidance and Training Company who have supported over 1,500 Greenwich residents. We work extensively to support our customers to gain relevant skills and qualifications in order to enter their chosen career or job role.

We work with a diverse range of individuals, each with different needs and requirements. It doesn’t matter whether you are considering your first job, returning to work after a period out of the workplace, looking for a new role following redundancy or simply considering a change in your career.  We are on hand to offer support and guidance through our training courses to help with your future career plans.

We are pleased to have a number of different classroom and webinar based training options for our customers that run at different intervals and can  be accessed easily by speaking to any of our team on 0333 242 2175 or emailing us at  We who would be delighted to discuss our range of courses and how these can help you in your career journey.

Please join in on our interactive:

Resilience and Well Being Webinars
Career confidence Webinars

Skills for applications Webinars

Civil Service Webinars

Public Sector Skills Academy

Money Mind shift

Developing Customer Service Skills Level 1

Get it Savvy

You can also gain further resources and information through useful free learning channels that you can access from home at:

You can also follow our feeds through twitter or Facebook  or Linkedin

Please feel free to contact us at any time via email for any questions you have at or on our office numbers 0333 242 2175

If you don’t have access to the internet, and would like for us to send any information out to you please contact us where we will endeavor to send out some useful study packs during this time.

Greenwich Learns partner logo
Matrix QM logo

Please contact our bookings team for dates, times and location for the above courses on: 0208 665 4297.

Statement from GSS Directors on Covid-19

Statement from GSS Directors – Centre closures from 30th March 2020

Following the recent announcements made by UK Government, we would like to keep you updated on the changes GSS has made and the measures we have put in place to protect the well-being and safety of all our learners, customers and staff.

As of 30th March 2020 all GSS delivery sites will be closed. However, we are still fully operational and will be running Careers Advice and Guidance alongside Training via skype calls, video conferencing and on-line services to ensure all our customers, learners and trainees can still access our service.

These are indeed exceptional circumstances and we are working tirelessly behind the scenes to respond to the latest policy changes in some of our working procedures, and continue to prepare online material and resources to ensure minimum disruption to our service

We will continue to deliver Online Training and support going forward.

For further support please contact us on: 0844 745 2001 or 0208 665 4296

We are here to support you

We understand these are very difficult and anxious times for everyone, and urge you to stay home and keep safe, and to relieve the burden on the emergency services.

We will support as much as we can – if you have any concerns please email us on

We look forward to welcoming you all back to face to face meetings and training as soon as we can. In the meantime, stay home, stay safe and we will see you through our on-line channels.

For further advice and guidance on Covid-19 visit:
