Remote Working: How To Delegate Tasks

Home Working Desk Setup - Global Solution Services (GSS)Home Working Desk Setup - Global Solution Services (GSS)

With remote working being a critical part of work for many firms now, it must be appropriately managed. Whether your organisation is using remote working in the short-term, or you plan on using this in the longer-term, it is vital to set some ground rules.

Delegation is crucial for remote working. As a leader or manager, you need to communicate with your team, and knowing how to delegate tasks is one of the biggest challenges of this time. These tips will help you delegate tasks when working remotely.

You must communicate concisely

Working remotely is a struggle for many reasons, but it can impact how effectively people communicate. If you plan on assigning or delegating a task, be clear and state exactly what you are looking for.

At times like this, state the aim of the task, and any deadlines and any people involved. In the office, non-verbal communication can often impress a need for urgency, but this isn’t possible when working remotely. Therefore, if you are delegating tasks, detail every critical feature.

Go beyond emails for important communication

Emails are essential, especially in creating a trail of tasks and actions, but there will be times when you need to speak directly, or in a group setting. When you need to discuss or assign critical projects, you should do so via phone, or through virtual meetings.

When there is likely to be some to-and-fro in communication, it is best to do so when people are engaging at the same time. Email communications can become long and drawn out when every issue needs to be clarified or discussed, so make sure you are communicating in real-time.

Use collaboration tools

The importance of creating a trail of communication is crucial. As said, emails are useful for creating a trail of communication, but when other forms of communication are used, there is a need to have some form of verification. There are many tools which log calls or record who was present, and these are useful in ensuring everyone who needs to know information, has this information.

Have a transparent chain of command when people are out or unable to communicate

People must know who to respond to if their primary contact is not present. You can set up out of office email responses or place information on shared drives, which will ensure people know who they should contact when their first-choice person is unavailable.

Set expectations

Remote working poses challenges, and one issue many firms face is standards may dip. This should be addressed, and by setting expectations when it comes to communication, problems can be avoided.

There will be changes to working practices when people are working from home, but these should be implemented into how people engage and communicate.

If you would like more guidance and training on how to manage remote working and ensure you are delegating tasks efficiently, please contact Global Solution Services today or join onto any of our webinars or on-line training courses, and we will be happy to assist you in achieving your goals, allowing you to care for yourself, and your loved ones.

Statement from GSS Directors on Covid-19

Statement from GSS Directors – Centre closures from 30th March 2020

Following the recent announcements made by UK Government, we would like to keep you updated on the changes GSS has made and the measures we have put in place to protect the well-being and safety of all our learners, customers and staff.

As of 30th March 2020 all GSS delivery sites will be closed. However, we are still fully operational and will be running Careers Advice and Guidance alongside Training via skype calls, video conferencing and on-line services to ensure all our customers, learners and trainees can still access our service.

These are indeed exceptional circumstances and we are working tirelessly behind the scenes to respond to the latest policy changes in some of our working procedures, and continue to prepare online material and resources to ensure minimum disruption to our service

We will continue to deliver Online Training and support going forward.

For further support please contact us on: 0844 745 2001 or 0208 665 4296

We are here to support you

We understand these are very difficult and anxious times for everyone, and urge you to stay home and keep safe, and to relieve the burden on the emergency services.

We will support as much as we can – if you have any concerns please email us on

We look forward to welcoming you all back to face to face meetings and training as soon as we can. In the meantime, stay home, stay safe and we will see you through our on-line channels.

For further advice and guidance on Covid-19 visit:
